Saturday, 29 December 2018

7New Year’s Resolutions for the Tech Savvy and Not-so-Tech Savvy Person

New Year’s is a time for resolutions about all those things we want to accomplish in the coming year. For most of us, it means revisiting old resolutions we fell short on in previous years and making some new ones. No matter what resolutions you make for 2019, remember to include some or all of these:
Resolutions Tech Savvy
Set reminders to go to the fitness center on your smartphone. Use your smartphone to help remind you to workout and exercise. Having a reminder often makes us more likely to stick to our new workout routines and not give up as quickly.

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Some of the Common Mistakes People Do When Their Hard Drive Crashes

No matter how much you think that your hard drive is not going to crash, there is always a chance that it will happen. It does not matter wh...