Internet scams are constantly changing and evolving to attempt to trick people into giving out their personal information, financial account details, and even their money. Internet scams are huge business for scammers that easily cost people and businesses billions of dollars every year.
Top Scam #1: COVID-19 Scams
Anything related to COVID-19 and the global pandemic has become a new opportunity for scammers. They are taking steps to make their scams look like they came from a legitimate source in emails, text messages, and pop-up ads on websites. Some of the more common COVID-19 scams include:
- Fake websites that feature face masks, disinfectant wipes, hand sanitizer, and other products in high demand.
- Fake financial offers like ones to refinance your home, easy approvals for personal loans, and so on. Many of these scams look real and were sent by legitimate financial institutions.
- Fake health organizations that are attempting to obtain your personal information by offering free COVID testing, vaccinations, and other such medical services.
- Fake government agencies that claim to have details about stimulus payments, tax payments, and so on. The most important thing to remember is a government agency will never call, email, or text. They will notify you by mail when they have information to share that affects you directly.
- Bogus nonprofit organizations that are seeking donations to provide financial relief, food, and medicine for those in need. If you want to donate to a nonprofit, do so directly, never through a link provided in an email or text message.
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